Nina Lanyon's scrapbook

Before you go any further: this site contains pictures and text that the world considers unsuitable for minors so please go elsewhere if you are under the age of majority in your place of residence. For instance you can find lots of pictures of cute kittens at GalerĂ­as de Gatetes

You can also find lots of other curious sites on the Neocities front page even if you are old enough to look at my pictures and ramblings.

If after all you are old enough and fancy looking at a 65 year old cross-dresser in skirts, dresses, and sometimes underwear then keep reading.

Nothing much to see on this front page.

I've been trying to categorize my pictures. It's a big job because I take so many. Some of the better ones can be found on my keywords page. That page has a button for each keyword, clicking the button shows a list of images that have the selected keyword. There is another page that allow for more sophisticated image selection by allowing multiple keywords to be chosen both to be included and excluded: Keyword Explorer. And, lastly for the moment, there is another page which is sort of halfway house between the two: Images refiner. This one has a list of keywords like the first but each one is a check box. The more you select the more restricted the choice becomes so that if you choose July and then 2021 and then handbag you will get only pictures of handbags taken in July 2021.

Some older pages are Random pics of me and Random pics of my bottom!. I'll probably remove these pages once the keywords page is working properly because you will be able to see them just by visiting the keywords page and clicking the right keyword button.

Click here to open your email client to contact me. I also have a guestbook: Click Here To View and Sign My Guestbook">